Sunday, 9 May 2010

LV wallet/purse

More choices in LV UK website

Gucci Wallet/Purse

Details can be find in Gucci UK.

Price might be slightly different based on the currency exchange.


Longchamp Online shopping spree!!!
it's easy to find Le Plieage bag at Longchamps store but not for other lines.
even limited color for Le Plieage
kedai kecikkkk sgttt :(

Shopping online at Longchamp.

Step 1: Click the link below
E-shopping (women)
E-shopping (men)

Step 2: Choose the lines (not categories..ssh ni nk cari)

Step 3: Email me the details
1. Lines
2. Name, Color & Position of da bag (no. berapa dari kiri)
3. Reference no.
4. Price

Please make sure there is '
PURCHASE' button
to make sure the item is still available in the web

You can collect the item on 15th June onwards (in KL/N9)
Email me at
22 May 2010